Package org.apache.tapestry5

Root package for Tapestry, containing common interfaces and data types used throughout the framework.


Interface Summary
Asset An Asset is any kind of resource that can be exposed to the client web browser.
Asset2 Extension to Asset that adds a method to determine if the asset is invariant or not.
Binding A binding is a connection between a component and its container (another component), that allows the embedded component to gain access to resources defined by the container.
Block A block is a collection of static text and elements, and components, derived from a component template.
ClientBodyElement Extends ClientElement with the concept of a body, a Block that can be rendered to provide the content within.
ClientElement Interface for any kind of object (typically, a component) that can provide a client-side id, typically used in the generation of client-side (JavaScript) logic.
ComponentAction<T> An action that is associated with a component.
ComponentEventCallback<T> Callback interface for a render phase event or ComponentEvent, notified when a non-null value is returned from some event handler method.
ComponentResources Provides a component instance with the resources provided by the framework.
ComponentResourcesCommon Operations shared by the public ComponentResources interface and ComponentPageElement interface (on the internal side).
EventContext A collection of parameters that may eventually be passed to an event handler method.
Field Defines a field within a form.
FieldTranslator<T> A wrapper around Translator that combines the translator for a specific Field and (sometimes) an override of the default validation message (used when an input value can't be parsed).
FieldValidationSupport Services to help with field validation and translation.
FieldValidator<T> Responsible for validation of a single field.
FormValidationControl Allows control over validation concerns of a Form component.
Link A link is the Tapestry representation of a URL or URI that triggers dynamic behavior.
MarkupWriter An interface used by objects, such as Tapestry components, that need to render themselves as some form of XML markup.
MarkupWriterListener An interface that allows objects to be alerted when after an element is started, and after an element is ended.
NullFieldStrategy Defines a strategy, used by Field components such as TextField, to handle the case where either the server-side value to be sent (as a string) to the client, or the client-side string passed back up to the server, is null or blank.
OptimizedSessionPersistedObject An optional interface implemented by objects that are persisted in the Session.
OptionGroupModel Defines a group of related options.
OptionModel A single option within a OptionGroupModel.
PropertyConduit Used to read or update the value associated with a property.
PropertyOverrides Provides access to blocks and messages used when overriding property labels, and property display or edit blocks.
RadioContainer A container of Radio components, used to identify the element name used when rendering the individual radio buttons (all buttons in a group share the same element name) and to
Renderable Base interface for objects that can render markup output using a MarkupWriter.
RenderSupport Deprecated. RenderSupport has been replaced by JavaScriptSupport and may be removed after Tapestry 5.3.
SelectModel Defines the possible options and option groups for a <select> [X]HTML element.
SelectModelVisitor Callback interface that allows for visiting the option groups and option models of a select model in correct render order.
StreamResponse An alternate response from a component event handler method used to directly provide a stream of data to be sent to the client, rather than indicating what page to send a render redirect request to.
TrackableComponentEventCallback<T> Extends ComponentEventCallback with a way to determine if the underlying event has been aborted due to a some event returning an acceptable, non-null value.
Translator<T> Translates between client-side and server-side values.
ValidationDecorator An object responsible for performing decorations around fields and field labels.
ValidationTracker Tracks information related to user input validations.
Validator<C,T> Used by a Field to enforce a constraint related to a form submission.
ValueEncoder<V> A ValueEncoder is used to convert server side objects to unique client-side strings (typically IDs) and back.

Class Summary
AbstractOptionModel Base class for implementing OptionModel.
BaseOptimizedSessionPersistedObject Base implementation of OptimizedSessionPersistedObject.
BaseValidationDecorator Base implementation of ValidationDecorator that does nothing.
BindingConstants Constants for the built-in binding prefixes.
ComponentParameterConstants Constants for core component parameters defined by Symbol
ContentType Represents an HTTP content type.
CSSClassConstants Constants used when rendering a CSS class attribute.
EventConstants Constant values for common event names fired by Tapestry components.
MarkupConstants Constants used when rendering page markup.
MarkupUtils Utility methods related to generating markup.
MarkupWriterAdapter Default, empty implementation of MarkupWriterListener.
MetaDataConstants Meta-data keys that are applied to components and pages.
PageCallback A way of capturing the name of a page and the page activation context so that, at a future date, the page can be invoked with that data.
PersistenceConstants Constants for persistent field strategies.
QueryParameterConstants Defines constants for common query parameters passed in requests from the client.
SymbolConstants Defines the names of symbols used to configure Tapestry.
TapestryConstants Constants needed by end-user classes.
TapestryFilter The TapestryFilter is responsible for intercepting all requests into the web application.
TapestryMarkers A set of markers used internally by Tapestry when logging in code related to paqes and components.
ValidationTrackerImpl Standard implementation of ValidationTracker.
ValidationTrackerWrapper Wrapper around a ValidationTracker that delegates all methods to the wrapped instance.
VersionUtils Utility methods related to managing framework version numbers.

Enum Summary
FieldFocusPriority Used to determine which field on a page should receive focus, based on its status.

Exception Summary
BlockNotFoundException Exception thrown when a Block is requested but not found.
ValidationException An exception associated with parsing client input, or validating the input against a constraint.

Package org.apache.tapestry5 Description

Root package for Tapestry, containing common interfaces and data types used throughout the framework.

Copyright © 2003-2012 The Apache Software Foundation.