Uses of Interface

Packages that use Asset
org.apache.tapestry5 Root package for Tapestry, containing common interfaces and data types used throughout the framework. 
org.apache.tapestry5.beanvalidator Support for JSR-303 Bean Validation via the Hibernate validator implementation 
org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components The set of core components available in all Tapestry applications 
org.apache.tapestry5.internal [INTERNAL USE ONLY] internal support classes; API subject to change. 
org.apache.tapestry5.internal.bindings [INTERNAL USE ONLY] support classes for binding; API subject to change [INTERNAL USE ONLY] internal service classes; API subject to change [INTERNAL USE ONLY] AJAX support services; API subject to change [INTERNAL USE ONLY] JavaScript support implementations; API subject to change Core services Support for Javascript (and CSS), including dynamically-added JavaScript and services that manage dynamically-added links to JavaScript (and CSS) assets. 
org.apache.tapestry5.test Support for testing Tapestry pages 

Uses of Asset in org.apache.tapestry5

Subinterfaces of Asset in org.apache.tapestry5
 interface Asset2
          Extension to Asset that adds a method to determine if the asset is invariant or not.

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5 with parameters of type Asset
 void RenderSupport.addScriptLink(Asset... scriptAssets)
          Deprecated. Use JavaScriptSupport.importJavaScriptLibrary(Asset) instead
 void RenderSupport.addStylesheetLink(Asset stylesheet, String media)
          Deprecated. Adds a link to a CSS stylesheet.

Uses of Asset in org.apache.tapestry5.beanvalidator

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.beanvalidator that return types with arguments of type Asset
 List<Asset> BeanValidatorStack.getJavaScriptLibraries()

Uses of Asset in org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components that return Asset
 Asset GridColumns.getIcon()

Uses of Asset in org.apache.tapestry5.internal

Fields in org.apache.tapestry5.internal with type parameters of type Asset
static Mapper<Asset,StylesheetLink> TapestryInternalUtils.assetToStylesheetLink
          Common mapper, used primarily with

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.internal with parameters of type Asset
static Asset2 TapestryInternalUtils.toAsset2(Asset asset)
          Converts an Asset to an Asset2 if necessary.

Constructors in org.apache.tapestry5.internal with parameters of type Asset
DefaultValidationDecorator(Environment environment, Asset spacerAsset, MarkupWriter markupWriter)

Uses of Asset in org.apache.tapestry5.internal.bindings

Constructors in org.apache.tapestry5.internal.bindings with parameters of type Asset
AssetBinding(Location location, String description, Asset asset)

Uses of Asset in

Classes in that implement Asset
 class AbstractAsset
          Base class for assets.

Methods in that return Asset
 Asset ClasspathAssetFactory.createAsset(Resource resource)
 Asset ContextAssetFactory.createAsset(Resource resource)
 Asset AssetSourceImpl.getAsset(Resource baseResource, String path, Locale locale)
 Asset AssetSourceImpl.getClasspathAsset(String path)
 Asset AssetSourceImpl.getClasspathAsset(String path, Locale locale)
 Asset AssetSourceImpl.getContextAsset(String path, Locale locale)
 Asset AssetSourceImpl.getExpandedAsset(String path)
 Asset AssetSourceImpl.getUnlocalizedAsset(String path)

Methods in with parameters of type Asset
 void RenderSupportImpl.addScriptLink(Asset... scriptAssets)
 void RenderSupportImpl.addStylesheetLink(Asset stylesheet, String media)

Constructors in with parameters of type Asset
ValidationDecoratorFactoryImpl(Environment environment, Asset spacerImage)

Uses of Asset in

Methods in with parameters of type Asset
 void JavaScriptSupportImpl.importJavaScriptLibrary(Asset asset)
 void JavaScriptSupportImpl.importStylesheet(Asset stylesheet)

Uses of Asset in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Asset
 List<Asset> DateFieldStack.getJavaScriptLibraries()
 List<Asset> CoreJavaScriptStack.getJavaScriptLibraries()

Uses of Asset in

Methods in that return Asset
 Asset AssetFactory.createAsset(Resource resource)
          Creates an instance of an asset.
 Asset AssetSource.getAsset(Resource baseResource, String path, Locale locale)
          Finds the asset.
 Asset AssetSource.getClasspathAsset(String path)
          Obtains a classpath alias in the current locale (as defined by the ThreadLocale service).
 Asset AssetSource.getClasspathAsset(String path, Locale locale)
          Convienience for finding assets on the classpath.
 Asset AssetSource.getContextAsset(String path, Locale locale)
          Convienience for finding assets in the context.
 Asset AssetSource.getExpandedAsset(String path)
          As with AssetSource.getUnlocalizedAsset(String), but symbols in the path are expanded.
 Asset AssetSource.getUnlocalizedAsset(String path)
          Find an asset but does not attempt to localize it.

Methods in with parameters of type Asset
 void TapestryModule.contributeMarkupRenderer(OrderedConfiguration<MarkupRendererFilter> configuration, boolean omitGeneratorMeta, String tapestryVersion, boolean compactJSON, SymbolSource symbolSource, AssetSource assetSource, JavaScriptStackSource javascriptStackSource, JavaScriptStackPathConstructor javascriptStackPathConstructor, ValidationDecoratorFactory validationDecoratorFactory, Asset defaultStylesheet)
          Adds page render filters, each of which provides an Environmental service.

Uses of Asset in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Asset
 List<Asset> ExtensibleJavaScriptStack.getJavaScriptLibraries()
 List<Asset> JavaScriptStack.getJavaScriptLibraries()
          Returns a list of localized assets for JavaScript libraries that form the stack.

Methods in with parameters of type Asset
 void JavaScriptSupport.importJavaScriptLibrary(Asset asset)
          Imports a JavaScript library as part of the rendered page.
 void JavaScriptSupport.importStylesheet(Asset stylesheet)
          A convenience method that wraps the Asset as a StylesheetLink.

Constructors in with parameters of type Asset
StylesheetLink(Asset asset)
StylesheetLink(Asset asset, StylesheetOptions options)

Uses of Asset in org.apache.tapestry5.test

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.test that return Asset
protected  Asset TapestryTestCase.mockAsset()
protected  Asset TapestryTestCase.mockAsset(String assetURL)

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.test with parameters of type Asset
protected  void TapestryTestCase.train_createAsset(AssetFactory factory, Resource resource, Asset asset)
protected  void TapestryTestCase.train_getAsset(AssetSource source, Resource root, String path, Locale locale, Asset asset)
protected  void TapestryTestCase.train_getClasspathAsset(AssetSource source, String path, Asset asset)
protected  void TapestryTestCase.train_getClasspathAsset(AssetSource source, String path, Locale locale, Asset asset)
protected  void TapestryTestCase.train_toClientURL(Asset asset, String URL)

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