| |
Copyright 2012-2013 The Apache Software Foundation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. | |
t5/core/alertSupport for the core/Alerts components. | define ["./dom", "./console", "./messages", "./ajax", "underscore", "./bootstrap"],
(dom, console, messages, ajax, _, {glyph}) ->
severityToClass =
info: "alert-info"
success: "alert-success"
warn: "alert-warning"
error: "alert-danger"
getURL = (container) -> container.attr "data-dismiss-url"
removeAlert = (container, alert) ->
if container.find(".alert").length is 0
container.update null
dismissAll = (container) ->
alerts = container.find "[data-alert-id]"
if alerts.length is 0
container.update null
ajax (getURL container),
success: -> container.update null
dismissOne = (container, button) ->
alert = button.parent()
id = alert.attr "data-alert-id"
unless id
removeAlert container, alert
ajax (getURL container),
data: { id }
success: -> removeAlert container, alert
setupUI = (outer) ->
outer.update """
<div data-container-type="inner"></div>
if (outer.attr "data-show-dismiss-all") is "true"
outer.append """
<div class="pull-right">
<button class="btn btn-xs btn-default" data-action="dismiss-all">
#{glyph "remove"}
#{messages "core-dismiss-label"}
outer.on "click", "[data-action=dismiss-all]", ->
dismissAll outer
return false
outer.on "click", "button.close", ->
dismissOne outer, this
return false
findInnerContainer = ->
outer = dom.body.findFirst "[data-container-type=alerts]"
unless outer
console.error "Unable to locate alert container element to present an alert."
return null |
Set up the inner content when needed | unless outer.element.firstChild
setupUI outer
return outer?.findFirst "[data-container-type=inner]" |
| alert = (data) ->
container = findInnerContainer()
return unless container |
Map from severity name to a CSS class; using alert-info if no severity, or unknown severity | className = severityToClass[data.severity] or "alert-info"
content = if data.markup then data.message else _.escape data.message |
Note that | element = dom.create "div",
class: "alert alert-dismissable " + className
if data.markup
<button type="button" class="close">×</button>
<button type="button" class="close">×</button>
container.append element
if data['transient']
outerContainer = container.findParent '[data-container-type=alerts]'
_.delay removeAlert, exports.TRANSIENT_DURATION, outerContainer, element
Export the alert function | exports = alert