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Copyright 2012, 2013 The Apache Software Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Defines handlers for HTML forms and HTML field elements, specifically to control input validation.

define ["./events", "./dom", "underscore"],
  (events, dom, _) ->

Meta-data name that indicates the next submission should skip validation (typically, because the form was submitted by a "cancel" button).

    SKIP_VALIDATION = "t5:skip-validation"

    clearSubmittingHidden = (form) ->
      hidden = form.findFirst "[name='t:submit']"

Clear if found

      hidden and hidden.value null

      form.meta SKIP_VALIDATION, null


    setSubmittingHidden = (form, submitter) ->

      mode = submitter.attr "data-submit-mode"
      isCancel = mode is "cancel"
      if mode and mode isnt "normal"
        form.meta SKIP_VALIDATION, true

      hidden = form.findFirst "[name='t:submit']"

      unless hidden
        firstHidden = form.findFirst "input[type=hidden]"
        hidden = dom.create "input", type: "hidden", name: "t:submit"
        firstHidden.insertBefore hidden

TODO: Research why we need id and name and get rid of one if possible.

      name = if isCancel then "cancel" else submitter.element.name

Not going to drag in all of json2 just for this one purpose, but even so, I'd like to get rid of this. Prototype includes Object.toJSON(), but jQuery is curiously absent an equivalent.

      hidden.value "[\"#{submitter.element.id}\",\"#{name}\"]"


Passed the element wrapper for a form element, returns a map of all the values for all non-disabled fields (including hidden fields, select, textarea). This is primarily used when assembling an Ajax request for a form submission.

    gatherParameters = (form) ->
      result = {}

      fields = form.find "input, select, textarea"

      _.each fields, (field) ->
          return if field.attr "disabled"

          type = field.element.type

Ignore types file and submit; file doesn't make sense for Ajax, and submit is handled by keeping a hidden field active with the data Tapestry needs on the server.

          return if type is "file" or type is "submit"

          return if (type is "checkbox" or type is "radio") and field.checked() is false

          value = field.value()

          return if value is null

          name = field.element.name

Many modern UIs create name-less elements on the fly (e.g., Backbone); these may be mixed in with normal elements managed by Tapestry but should be ignored (not sent to the server in a POST or Ajax update).

          return if name is ""

          existing = result[name]

          if _.isArray existing
            existing.push value

          if existing
            result[name] = [existing, value]

          result[name] = value

      return result

    defaultValidateAndSubmit = ->

      where = -> "processing form submission"


        if ((@attr "data-validate") is "submit") and
           (not @meta SKIP_VALIDATION)

          @meta SKIP_VALIDATION, null

          hasError = false
          focusField = null

          for field in @find "[data-validation]"
            memo = {}
            where = -> "triggering #{events.field.inputValidation} event on #{field.toString()}"
            field.trigger events.field.inputValidation, memo

            if memo.error
              hasError = true
              focusField = field unless focusField

Only do form validation if all individual field validation was successful.

          unless hasError
            memo = {}
            where = -> "trigging cross-form validation event"
            @trigger events.form.validate, memo

            hasError = memo.error

          if hasError
            clearSubmittingHidden this

If a specific field has been identified as the source of the validation error, then focus on it.

            focusField.focus() if focusField

Cancel the original submit event when there's an error

            return false

Allow certain types of elements to do last-moment set up. Basically, this is for FormFragment, or similar, to make their hidden field enabled or disabled to match their UI's visible/hidden status. This is assumed to work or throw an exception; there is no memo.

        where = -> "triggering #{events.form.prepareForSubmit} event (after validation)"

        @trigger events.form.prepareForSubmit

      catch error
        console.error "Form validiation/submit error `#{error.toString()}', in form #{this.toString()}, #{where()}"
        console.error error
        return false

Otherwise, the event is good, there are no validation problems, let the normal processing commence. Possibly, the document event handler provided by the t5/core/zone module will intercept form submission if this is an Ajax submission.


    dom.onDocument "submit", "form", defaultValidateAndSubmit

On any click on a submit or image, update the containing form to indicate that the element was responsible for the eventual submit; this is very important to Ajax updates, otherwise the information about which control triggered the submit gets lost.

    dom.onDocument "click", "input[type=submit], input[type=image]", ->
      setSubmittingHidden (dom @element.form), this

Support for link submits. data-submit-mode will be non-null, possibly "cancel". Update the hidden field, but also cancel the default behavior for the click.

    dom.onDocument "click", "a[data-submit-mode]", ->
      form = @findParent "form"

      unless form
        console.error "Submitting link element not contained inside a form element."
        return false

      setSubmittingHidden form, @closest "a[data-submit-mode]"

Now the ugly part; if we just invoke submit() on the form, it does not trigger the form's "submit" event, which we need.

      if form.trigger "submit"

And cancel the default behavior for the original click event

      return false

    exports =
      gatherParameters: gatherParameters

      setSubmittingElement: setSubmittingHidden

Sets a flag on the form to indicate that client-side validation should be bypassed. This is typically associated with submit buttons that "cancel" the form.

      skipValidation: (form) ->
        form.meta SKIP_VALIDATION, true