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Copyright 2012-2013 The Apache Software Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


A wrapper around the native console, when it exists.

define ["./dom", "underscore", "./bootstrap"],
  (dom, _, { glyph }) ->

    nativeConsole = {}
    floatingConsole = null
    messages = null

    noFilter = -> true

    filter = noFilter

    updateFilter = (text) ->
      if text is ""
        filter = noFilter

      words = text.toLowerCase().split /\s+/

      filter = (e) ->
        content = e.text().toLowerCase()

        for word in words
          return false if content.indexOf(word) < 0

        return true


    consoleAttribute = dom.body.attr "data-floating-console"

    forceFloating = (consoleAttribute is "enabled") or (consoleAttribute is "invisible")

    button = (action, icon, label, disabled = false) -> """
        <button data-action="#{action}" class="btn btn-default btn-mini">
          #{glyph icon} #{label}


FireFox will throw an exception if you even access the console object and it does not exist. Wow!

      nativeConsole = console
    catch e

internal: displays the message inside the floating console, creating the floating console as needed.

    display = (className, message) ->

      unless floatingConsole
        floatingConsole = dom.create
          class: "tapestry-console",
            <div class="message-container"></div>
            <div class="row">
              <div class="btn-group btn-group-sm col-md-4">
                #{button "clear", "remove", "Clear Console"}
                #{button "enable", "play", "Enable Console"}
                #{button "disable", "pause", "Disable Console"}
              <div class="col-md-8">
                <input class="form-control" size="40" placeholder="Filter console content">

        dom.body.prepend floatingConsole

Basically, any non-blank value will enable the floating console. In addition, the special value "invisible" will enable it but then hide it ... this is useful in tests, since the console output is captured in the markup, but the visible console can have unwanted interactions (such as obscuring elements that make them unclickable).

        if consoleAttribute is "invisible"

      messages = floatingConsole.findFirst ".message-container"

      floatingConsole.findFirst("[data-action=enable]").attr "disabled", true

      floatingConsole.on "click", "[data-action=clear]", ->
        messages.update ""

      floatingConsole.on "click", "[data-action=disable]", ->

        @attr "disabled", true
        floatingConsole.findFirst("[data-action=enable]").attr "disabled", false


        return false

      floatingConsole.on "click", "[data-action=enable]", ->

        @attr "disabled", true
        floatingConsole.findFirst("[data-action=disable]").attr "disabled", false


        return false

      floatingConsole.on "change keyup", "input", ->
        updateFilter @value()

        for e in messages.children()
          visible = filter e

          e[if visible then "show" else "hide"]()

        return false

      div = dom.create
        class: className,
        _.escape message

Should really filter on original message, not escaped.

      unless filter div

      messages.append div

A slightly clumsy way to ensure that the container is scrolled to the bottom.

      _.delay -> messages.element.scrollTop = messages.element.scrollHeight

    level = (className, consolefn) ->
      (message) ->

consolefn may be null if there's no console; under IE it may be non-null, but not a function. For some testing, it is nice to force the floating console to always display.

        if forceFloating or (not consolefn)

Display it floating. If there's a real problem, such as a failed Ajax request, then the client-side code should be alerting the user in some other way, and not rely on them being able to see the logged console output.

          display className, message

          return unless forceFloating

        if _.isFunction consolefn

Use the available native console, calling it like an instance method

          consolefn.call console, message

And IE just has to be different. The properties of console are callable, like functions, but aren't proper functions that work with call() either.

          consolefn message


    exports =
      info: level "info", nativeConsole.info
      warn: level "warn", nativeConsole.warn
      error: level "error", nativeConsole.error

Determine whether debug is enabled by checking for the necessary attribute (which is missing in production mode).

      debugEnabled: (document.documentElement.getAttribute "data-debug-enabled")?

When debugging is not enabled, then the debug function becomes a no-op.

    exports.debug =
      if exports.debugEnabled

If native console available, go for it. IE doesn't have debug, so we use log instead.

        level "debug", (nativeConsole.debug or nativeConsole.log)

This is also an aid to debugging; it allows arbitrary scripts to present on the console; when using Geb and/or Selenium, it is very useful to present debugging data right on the page.

    window.t5console = exports

    requirejs.onError = (err) ->

      message = "RequireJS error: #{err?.requireType or 'unknown'}"

      if err.message
        message += """: #{err.message}"""

      if err.requireType
        modules = err?.requireModules
        if modules and modules.length > 0
          message += """, modules #{modules.join(", ")}"""

      exports.error message

Return the exports; we keep a reference to it, so we can see exports.DURATION, even if some other module imports this one and modifies that property.

    return exports