| |
Copyright 2012-2013 The Apache Software Foundation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. | |
t5/beanvalidator/beanvalidator-validationThe awkward name is to accomidate the "docco" documentation tool; it doesn't understand having the same named file in multiple folders. See Supports extra validations related to the beanvalidator module. | define ["underscore", "t5/core/dom", "t5/core/events", "t5/core/utils", "t5/core/validation"],
(_, dom, events, utils) ->
rangeValue = (element, attribute, defaultValue) ->
v = element.attr attribute
if v is null
parseInt v
countOptions = (e) -> |
A select that is used as part of a palette is different; the validation attributes are attached to the selected (right side) | if e.findParent ".palette"
else |
An ordinary | _.filter(e.element.options, (o) -> o.selected).length
doRangeValidate = (element, value, memo) ->
min = rangeValue element, "data-range-min", 0
max = rangeValue element, "data-range-max", Number.MAX_VALUE |
If the translated value is still a string, and not a number, then the size refers to the length of the string, not its numeric value. | if _.isString value
value = value.length
unless min <= value <= max
memo.error = (element.attr "data-range-message") or "RANGE ERROR"
return false
return true
dom.onDocument events.field.optional, "[data-optionality=prohibited]", (event, memo) ->
unless utils.isBlank memo.value
memo.error = (@attr "data-prohibited-message") or "PROHIBITED"
return false
return true
dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "input[data-range-min], input[data-range-max], textarea[data-range-min], textarea[data-range-max]", (event, memo) ->
doRangeValidate this, memo.translated, memo
dom.onDocument events.field.validate, "select[data-range-min], select[data-range-max]", (event, memo) ->
doRangeValidate this, (countOptions this), memo