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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Support for the core/Palette component.

define ["./dom", "underscore", "./events"],
  (dom, _, events) ->

    isSelected = (option) -> option.selected

    class PaletteController

      constructor: (id) ->
        @selected = (dom id)
        @container = @selected.findParent ".palette"
        @available = @container.findFirst ".palette-available select"
        @hidden = @container.findFirst "input[type=hidden]"

        @select = @container.findFirst "[data-action=select]"
        @deselect = @container.findFirst "[data-action=deselect]"

        @moveUp = @container.findFirst "[data-action=move-up]"
        @moveDown = @container.findFirst "[data-action=move-down]"

Track where reorder is allowed based on whether the buttons actually exist

        @reorder = @moveUp isnt null

        @valueToOrderIndex = {}

        _.each @available.element.options, (option, i) =>
          @valueToOrderIndex[option.value] = i

This occurs even when the palette is disabled, to present the values correctly. Otherwise it looks like nothing is selected.


        unless @selected.element.disabled

      initialTransfer: ->

Get the values for options that should move over

        values = JSON.parse @hidden.value()
        valueToPosition = {}

        _.each values, (v, i) -> valueToPosition[v] = i

        e = @available.element

        movers = []

        for i in [(e.options.length - 1)..0] by -1
          option = e.options[i]
          value = option.value
          pos = valueToPosition[value]
          unless pos is undefined
            movers[pos] = option
            e.remove i

        for option in movers
          @selected.element.add option

Invoked after any change to the selections list to update the hidden field as well as the buttons' state.

      updateAfterChange: ->

      updateHidden: ->
        values = _.pluck(@selected.element.options, "value")
        @hidden.value JSON.stringify values

      bindEvents: ->
        @container.on "change", "select", =>
          return false

        @select.on "click", =>
          return false

        @available.on "dblclick", =>
          return false

        @deselect.on "click", =>
          return false

        @selected.on "dblclick", =>
          return false

        if @reorder
          @moveUp.on "click", =>
            return false

          @moveDown.on "click", =>
            return false

Invoked whenever the selections in either list changes or after an updates; figures out which buttons should be enabled and which disabled.

      updateButtons: ->
        @select.element.disabled = @available.element.selectedIndex < 0

        nothingSelected = @selected.element.selectedIndex < 0

        @deselect.element.disabled = nothingSelected

        if @reorder
          @moveUp.element.disabled = nothingSelected or @allSelectionsAtTop()
          @moveDown.element.disabled = nothingSelected or @allSelectionsAtBottom()

      doSelect: -> @transferOptions @available, @selected, @reorder

      doDeselect: -> @transferOptions @selected, @available, false

      doMoveUp: ->
        options = _.toArray @selected.element.options

        movers = _.filter options, isSelected

The element before the first selected element is the pivot; all the selected elements will move before the pivot. If there is no pivot, the elements are shifted to the front of the list.

        firstMoverIndex = _.first(movers).index
        pivot = options[firstMoverIndex - 1]

        options = _.reject options, isSelected

        splicePos = if pivot then _.indexOf options, pivot else 0


        for o in movers
          options.splice splicePos, 0, o

        @reorderSelected options

      doMoveDown: ->
        options = _.toArray @selected.element.options

        movers = _.filter options, isSelected

The element after the last selected element is the pivot; all the selected elements will move after the pivot. If there is no pivot, the elements are shifted to the end of the list.

        lastMoverIndex = _.last(movers).index
        pivot = options[lastMoverIndex + 1]

        options = _.reject options, isSelected

        splicePos = if pivot then _.indexOf(options, pivot) + 1 else options.length


        for o in movers
          options.splice splicePos, 0, o

        @reorderSelected options

Reorders the selected options to the provided list of options; handles triggering the willUpdate and didUpdate events.

      reorderSelected: (options) ->

        @performUpdate true, options, =>

          @deleteOptions @selected

          for o in options
            @selected.element.add o, null

Performs the update, which includes the willChange and didChange events.

      performUpdate: (reorder, selectedOptions, updateCallback) ->

        canceled = false

        doUpdate = =>

          @selected.trigger events.palette.didChange, { selectedOptions, reorder }


        memo =
          selectedOptions: selectedOptions
          reorder: reorder
          cancel: -> canceled = true
          defer: ->
            canceled = true
            return doUpdate

        @selected.trigger events.palette.willChange, memo

        doUpdate() unless canceled

Deletes all options from a select (an ElementWrapper), prior to new options being populated in.

      deleteOptions: (select) ->

        e = select.element

        for i in [(e.length - 1)..0] by -1
          e.remove i

Moves options between the available and selected lists, including event notifiations before and after.

      transferOptions: (from, to, atEnd) ->

        if from.element.selectedIndex is -1

This could be done in a single pass, but:

        movers = _.filter from.element.options, isSelected
        fromOptions = _.reject from.element.options, isSelected

        toOptions = _.toArray to.element.options

        for o in movers
          @insertOption toOptions, o, atEnd

        selectedOptions = if to is @selected then toOptions else fromOptions

        @performUpdate false, selectedOptions, =>
          for i in [(from.element.length - 1)..0] by -1
            if from.element.options[i].selected
              from.element.remove i

A bit ugly: update the to select by removing all, then adding back in.

          for i in [(to.element.length - 1)..0] by -1
            to.element.options[i].selected = false
            to.element.remove i

          for o in toOptions
            to.element.add o, null

      insertOption: (options, option, atEnd) ->

        unless atEnd
          optionOrder = @valueToOrderIndex[option.value]
          before = _.find options, (o) => @valueToOrderIndex[o.value] > optionOrder

        if before
          i = _.indexOf options, before
          options.splice i, 0, option
          options.push option

      indexOfLastSelection: (select) ->
        e = select.element
        if e.selectedIndex < 0
          return -1

        for i in [(e.options.length - 1)..(e.selectedIndex)] by -1
          if e.options[i].selected
            return i

        return -1

      allSelectionsAtTop: ->
        last = @indexOfLastSelection @selected
        options = _.toArray @selected.element.options

        _(options[0..last]).all (o) -> o.selected

      allSelectionsAtBottom: ->
        e = @selected.element
        last = e.selectedIndex
        options = _.toArray e.options

        _(options[last..]).all (o) -> o.selected

Export just the initializer function

    (id) -> new PaletteController(id)