| |
Copyright 2012, 2013 The Apache Software Foundation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. | |
t5/core/datefieldProvides support for the | define ["./dom", "./events", "./messages", "./ajax", "underscore", "./datepicker", "./fields"],
(dom, events, messages, ajax, _, DatePicker) -> |
Translate from the provided order (SUNDAY = 0, MONDAY = 1), to the order needed by the DatePicker component (MONDAY = 0 ... SUNDAY = 6) | serverFirstDay = parseInt messages "date-symbols.first-day"
datePickerFirstDay = if serverFirstDay is 0 then 6 else serverFirstDay - 1 |
Localize a few other things. | days = (messages "date-symbols.days").split "," |
Shuffle sunday to the end, so that monday is first. | days.push days.shift()
monthsLabels = (messages "date-symbols.months").split ","
daysLabels = days, (name) -> name.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase()
todayLabel = messages "core-datefield-today"
noneLabel = messages "core-datefield-none" |
Track the active popup; only one allowed at a time. May look to rework this later so that there's just one popup and it is moved around the viewport, or around the DOM. | activePopup = null
class Controller
constructor: (@container) ->
@field = @container.findFirst "input"
@trigger = @container.findFirst "button"
@trigger.on "click", =>
showPopup: ->
if activePopup and activePopup isnt @popup
activePopup = @popup
hidePopup: ->
activePopup = null
doTogglePopup: ->
return if @field.element.disabled
unless @popup
else if @popup.visible()
value = @field.value()
if value is ""
@datePicker.setDate null
@field.addClass "ajax-wait"
ajax (@container.attr "data-parse-url"),
input: value
onerror: (message) =>
@field.removeClass "ajax-wait"
@fieldError message
success: (response) =>
@field.removeClass "ajax-wait"
reply = response.json
if reply.result
date = new Date()
date.setTime reply.result
@datePicker.setDate date
if reply.error
@fieldError (_.escape reply.error)
@datePicker.setDate null
fieldError: (message) ->
@field.focus().trigger events.field.showValidationError, { message }
clearFieldError: ->
@field.trigger events.field.clearValidationError
createPopup: ->
@datePicker = new DatePicker()
@datePicker.setFirstWeekDay datePickerFirstDay
@datePicker.setLocalizations monthsLabels, daysLabels, todayLabel, noneLabel
@popup = dom.create("div", { class: "datefield-popup well"}).append @datePicker.create()
@container.insertAfter @popup
@datePicker.onselect = _.bind @onSelect, this
onSelect: ->
date = @datePicker.getDate()
if date is null
@field.value ""
@field.addClass "ajax-wait"
ajax (@container.attr "data-format-url"),
input: date.getTime()
failure: (response, message) =>
@field.removeClass "ajax-wait"
@fieldError message
success: (response) =>
@field.removeClass "ajax-wait"
@field.value response.json.result
@hidePopup() |
Initialization: | dom.scanner "[data-component-type='core/DateField']", (container) -> |
Hide it from later scans | container.attr "data-component-type", null
new Controller(container) |
Exports nothing. | return null