Uses of Interface

Packages that use Configuration
org.apache.tapestry5.beanvalidator Support for JSR-303 Bean Validation via the Hibernate validator implementation 
org.apache.tapestry5.hibernate Provides support for simple CRUD applications built on top of Tapestry and Hibernate 
org.apache.tapestry5.internal [INTERNAL USE ONLY] internal support classes; API subject to change. 
org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.def Tapestry IOC service definitions 
org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal [INTERNAL USE ONLY] Tapestry IOC implementation details; API subject to change. Tapestry IOC service interfaces 
org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.test Classes supporting testing of Tapestry IOC services 
org.apache.tapestry5.jpa Provides support for simple CRUD applications built on top of Tapestry and JPA JSON services Services supporting the Kaptcha (CAPTCHA) component Core services Services for the Tapestry-upload module 

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.tapestry5.beanvalidator

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.beanvalidator with parameters of type Configuration
static void BeanValidatorModule.contributeBeanValidatorGroupSource(Configuration<Class> configuration)
static void BeanValidatorModule.contributeClientConstraintDescriptorSource(Configuration<ClientConstraintDescriptor> configuration)

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.tapestry5.hibernate

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.hibernate with parameters of type Configuration
static void HibernateModule.contributeComponentClassResolver(Configuration<LibraryMapping> configuration)
          Contribution to the ComponentClassResolver service configuration.
static void HibernateModule.contributeHibernateEntityPackageManager(Configuration<String> configuration, String appRootPackage)
          Contributes the package "<root>.entities" to the configuration, so that it will be scanned for annotated entity classes.

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.tapestry5.internal

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.internal with parameters of type Configuration
 void AbstractContributionDef.contribute(ModuleBuilderSource moduleSource, ServiceResources resources, Configuration configuration)

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.def

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.def with parameters of type Configuration
 void ContributionDef.contribute(ModuleBuilderSource moduleSource, ServiceResources resources, Configuration configuration)
          Performs the work needed to contribute into the standard, unordered configuration.

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal

Classes in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal that implement Configuration
 class ValidatingConfigurationWrapper<T>
          Wraps a Collection as a Configuration and perform validation that collected value are of the correct type.

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal with parameters of type Configuration
 void ContributionDefImpl.contribute(ModuleBuilderSource moduleSource, ServiceResources resources, Configuration configuration)

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
static void TapestryIOCModule.provideBasicTypeCoercions(Configuration<CoercionTuple> configuration)
          Contributes a set of standard type coercions to the TypeCoercer service: Object to String Object to Boolean String to Double String to BigDecimal BigDecimal to Double Double to BigDecimal String to BigInteger BigInteger to Long String to Long Long to Byte Long to Short Long to Integer Double to Long Double to Float Float to Double Long to Double String to Boolean ("false" is always false, other non-blank strings are true) Number to Boolean (true if number value is non zero) Null to Boolean (always false) Collection to Boolean (false if empty) Object[] to List primitive[] to List Object to List (by wrapping as a singleton list) String to File String to TimeInterval TimeInterval to Long Object to Object[] (wrapping the object as an array) Collection to Object[] (via the toArray() method) Flow to List Flow to Boolean (false if empty)

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.test

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.test that return Configuration
<T> Configuration<T>

Uses of Configuration in org.apache.tapestry5.jpa

Methods in org.apache.tapestry5.jpa with parameters of type Configuration
static void JpaModule.provideEntityPackages(Configuration<String> configuration, String appRootPackage)

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
static void JSONModule.provideCoercions(Configuration<CoercionTuple> configuration)
           String to JSONObject String to JSONArray

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
static void KaptchaModule.provideDefaultBeanBlocks(Configuration<BeanBlockContribution> configuration)
static void KaptchaModule.provideLibraryMapping(Configuration<LibraryMapping> configuration)

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
static void TapestryModule.contributeResourceDigestGenerator(Configuration<String> configuration)
          Configures the extensions that will require a digest to be downloaded via the asset dispatcher.
static void TapestryModule.contributeTypeCoercer(Configuration<CoercionTuple> configuration, TypeCoercer coercer, ThreadLocale threadLocale, AssetSource assetSource, ComponentClassCache classCache, DynamicTemplateParser dynamicTemplateParser)
          Adds coercions: String to SelectModel Map to SelectModel Collection to GridDataSource null to GridDataSource List to SelectModel ComponentResourcesAware (typically, a component) to ComponentResources ComponentResources to PropertyOverrides String to Renderable Renderable to Block String to DateFormat String to Resource (via AssetSource.resourceForPath(String)) Renderable to RenderCommand String to Pattern String to DateFormat ComponentClassTransformWorker to ComponentClassTransformWorker2 InjectionProvider to InjectionProvider2 Resource to DynamicTemplate Asset to Resource ValueEncoder to ValueEncoderFactory
static void TapestryModule.provideDefaultBeanBlocks(Configuration<BeanBlockContribution> configuration)
static void TapestryModule.setupCoreAndAppLibraries(Configuration<LibraryMapping> configuration, String appRootPackage)

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
static void UploadModule.contributeComponentClassResolver(Configuration<LibraryMapping> configuration)

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